Late Night Savage
Two-channel 4K video
12 min 55 sec

Late Night Savage by Wa Liu & Yang Bao focuses on the day and night of three plants at nuclear sites in the United States, the former Soviet Union and China during the Cold War. The two artists embarked on an 11,000-mile journey to conduct field research in Washington State, U.S., and Gansu, China, and lived among the plants. This multi-sensory and ever-evolving soundscape is a gateway, seeking to heighten the audience’s sensuous receptivity to the more-than-human world.

As a symbol for the American West, tumbleweeds, propelled by the force of the wind, travel around to spread radioactive seeds at the nuclear reactor in Washington State. Sunflowers are now planted at Chernobyl, as a cheap corrective method to clean up the contamination. Camel grass at the nuclear city in Gansu, China, embodies the patriotic zeitgeist for dedicating one’s life to the motherland. However, both camel grass and tumbleweeds are invasive species from Russia that disregard land borders, freely traversing the landscapes. Genetic mutation caused by ionizing radiation speeds up the plants’ aging process, leading to an increase in its entropy. While living means fighting a losing battle against nature, the short-lived plants still display incredible resilience and savageness. 

The intent of these works is not to anthropomorphize the plants, but to “vegetalize” our human perceptions and question the man-made boundaries amongst ourselves. The artists observe and reimagine the life of plants through video installation, paintings and music. In the daytime, the plants dedicate themselves to fulfilling the obligations assigned by humans, but in the nighttime, they morph into phantoms and savages, dancing till the end of the world.

The silent carnival of these nameless actors has never been alien to us. We are all savages.




此次展览并不意在将植物拟人化,而是希望“植物化”人类的感官, 重新思考人类之间的界限。刘娃与鲍杨通过影像装置、绘画及音乐,追寻和想象植物的生命。白天的植物勤恳而阳光,履行人类所赋予的职责。夜幕降临时,它们幻化成山林中狂放的鬼怪魑魅,在末日前自由舞蹈。



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