Glimpse: A Passing Look
EEG-based brain-computer interface, lighting control system, painting, music
Dimensions variable

Realized via neurotechnology, the immersive installation senses and reflects the audience’s state of mind through optical illusions. After the viewer dons a brainwave headset that measures her concentration and relaxation levels, she is invited to view the paintings on the walls. As her changing mental status illuminates the room with different light, the painted figures seem to emerge from the dark silhouettes and disappear into the sea, struggling to survive the ecological apocalypse engulfing them.

In different states of mind, the viewer perceives the same paintings differently, while the real appearance of the paintings remains unknown. This work plays with the audience’s visual sense, alluding to people’s subjective perception of the external reality. As one viewer controls the light in the environment, others can also see what she sees, establishing intimate connections between the self and the other.





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